Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología A.C.
Invariance of the Intrafamily Relations Evaluation Scale in parents with and without return migration and mental health
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Rivera-Heredia, M. E., Andrade-Palos, P., Fuentes-Balderrama, J., & H. Zayas, L. (2024). Invariance of the Intrafamily Relations Evaluation Scale in parents with and without return migration and mental health. Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología Nueva Época, 6(Migraciones), 42-55.



The psychometric properties of the Intrafamily Relations Evaluation Scale (ERI) were analyzed in parents who returned to Mexico and who have children who are United States citizens, as well as
in parents living in Mexico with no migratory experience. A total of 189 parents participated (92 returnees and 97 without migratory experience). Exploratory and Confirmatory Factorial
Analyses were performed to derive a culturally invariant version. Once we found evidence of configural, metric, strict and structural invariance, we found how union and family support were associated with depressive symptoms and social support, while family conflicts were associated with depressive and anxious symptoms as well as social support. Greater unity and support were identified in the returned parents. The ERI is a valid and reliable instrument to use with Mexican parents with and without return migration.

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