Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología A.C.
Construction of Migrant Identity from the Venezuelan Diaspora in Hispanoamerica: A Qualitative Approach
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migrant identity
forced displacement

How to Cite

Guerrero Alonso, C. A., & Moreno Herrera, A. M. (2024). Construction of Migrant Identity from the Venezuelan Diaspora in Hispanoamerica: A Qualitative Approach. Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología Nueva Época, 6(Migraciones), 248-257.



This article addresses the multiple aspects involved in constructing migrant identity, both as a mechanism of adaptation to the new destination and as a mechanism of conservation of cultural aspects of the country of origin in persons from the Venezuelan diaspora. For this, qualitative research executed by Equilibrium CenDE in 2022 through 3 focus groups of young Venezuelans in Bogotá, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires is used. The testimonies obtained in the focus groups allowed us to establish three categories of analysis: migrant bereavement, expressiveness of the people, and ways of linking with the receiving culture. The results show that the construction of migration identity varies between people and is influenced by individual and collective factors and conjunctural and structural factors.

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