Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología A.C.
Ethos: Strategic Advocacy Plan for Immigrants in Attention to their Extreme Vulnerability from Public Servers
Las Migraciones Hoy
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Extreme Vulnerability
Psychocoping Intervention
Art Therapy

How to Cite

Ojeda García, A., González Ruiz, G. A., & Castaños Cervantes, S. (2024). Ethos: Strategic Advocacy Plan for Immigrants in Attention to their Extreme Vulnerability from Public Servers. Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología Nueva Época, 6(Migraciones), 72-87.



Introduction: Based on an analysis of the literature and the authors experience in this field, this article describes the design and application in servers for frontline migrants, a strategic psychocoping plan. The objective was to make training on this population to look at their problems from another perspective, allowing them to recognize new tools to face their emotional experiences, through receiving care with art therapy techniques with a view to making care spaces such as shelters, houses migrants, among others, Ethos spaces. The methodology followed was One Single Session Therapy culturally adapted.

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