Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología A.C.
Reflections of an Activist on Mental Health Care for Migrants and Their Families
Las Migraciones Hoy
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social activism
psychological care

How to Cite

Fernández-Carapia, P. (2024). Reflections of an Activist on Mental Health Care for Migrants and Their Families. Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología Nueva Época, 6(Migraciones), 68-71.



This article addresses the mental health of migrants, the risks of undocumented migration, the processes of social readjustment that Mexicans must undergo abroad, as well as the challenges faced by migrants when returning to Mexico voluntarily or forcibly. All of this with the intention of providing an overview of the impact these experiences can have on mental health and the importance of generating public policies aimed at ensuring that this population receives timely psychological care. The social activism of activists is promoting the linking of civil society organizations with universities, so that together we can ensure that this need is addressed.

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