Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología A.C.
Visibility of the psychosocial impacts that former braceros have faced
Las Migraciones Hoy
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Bracero Program
farm workers
psychosocial impacts

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Gómez-Guzmán, H., Vargas-Vega, K. F., Salazar-García, M. A., & Rivera- Heredia, M. E. (2024). Visibility of the psychosocial impacts that former braceros have faced: a systematic review. Enseñanza E Investigación En Psicología Nueva Época, 6(Migraciones), 17-28.



The Bracero Program was a temporary labor agreement between Mexico and the United States to hire Mexican agricultural workers. In order to identify and make visible the psychosocial impacts that ex-braceros faced and continue to face, a systematic review was carried out in the Redalyc, Scielo and EBSCO databases using the keywords bracero, ex-bracero and Bracero Program. Studies published from 2013 to 2023 were reviewed, finding a total of 1,518 documents, of which 33 articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Finally, six articles were selected to evaluate the psychosocial variables: discrimination, psychological violence, working, housing and health conditions. The selected articles highlight that, although the experiences were diverse, in general the ex-braceros experienced adversities associated with the violation of their human rights and the breach of contracts, a situation that explains the emergence of their social struggle movement.

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